Mena region какие страны входят

Страны MENA

Страны MENA (акроним от анг. Middle East & North Africa, также можно встретить БВСА от рус. Ближний Восток и Северная Африка) — это географический регион, объединяющий страны Магриба и Ближнего Востока общей численностью населения 355 млн человек [1] . Большинство стран MENA также являются частью более крупного региона — Большой Ближний Восток. Термин «Страны MENA» принято использовать в академической, военной и политической литературе.

Часто страны MENA употребляются в СМИ в контексте волны протестов и демонстраций, также известных под названием Арабская весна, которые прошли в данном регионе в 2010—2011 гг [2] [3] [4] .

Перечень стран MENA

Какого-либо точного перечня стран, входящих в MENA, не существует. Всемирный Банк к таковым причисляет [5] :


  1. Ближний Восток и Северная Африка. Обзор региона (рус.) . Всемирный банк. Архивировано из первоисточника 13 декабря 2012.Проверено 7 октября 2012.
  2. Дорогая недвижимость и безработица стали главной причиной Арабской весны. Обзор региона (рус.) . CIVETS. Архивировано из первоисточника 13 декабря 2012.Проверено 7 октября 2012.
  3. Экономика Арабского мира: как прийти к независимости? (рус.) . Ислам в Российской Федерации. Архивировано из первоисточника 13 декабря 2012.Проверено 7 октября 2012.
  4. Арабская весна — кошмарный сон для североафриканских и ближневосточных стран (рус.) . Tourism Review. Архивировано из первоисточника 13 декабря 2012.Проверено 7 октября 2012.
  5. Countries (рус.) . Всемирный банк. Архивировано из первоисточника 13 декабря 2012.Проверено 7 октября 2012.

На эту статью не ссылаются другие статьи Википедии.

Wikimedia Foundation . 2010 .

Смотреть что такое «Страны MENA» в других словарях:

Испанский Ренессанс — Ренессанс Культура Архитекту … Википедия

Египет — Арабская Республика Египет, Миср, гос во на С. В. Африки и на Синайском п ове Азии. Название Египет известно с III тыс. до н. э. Оно восходит к др. егип. Кипет черная земля , что противопоставляло долину Нила с ее плодородной почвой красной земле … Географическая энциклопедия

Арабская весна — Эта статья о протестах и революциях начала 2010 х гг. Об арабском восстании 1916 года см. Арабское восстание; о восстании 1936 года см. Арабское восстание (1936 1939). Арабская весна … Википедия

Мисс Вселенная 2009 — Мисс Вселенная 2009 … Википедия

Август 2012 года — ← Июль 2012 годаСентябрь 2012 года → 1 августа Старт с космодрома Байконур транспортного грузового корабля Прогресс М 16М[1]. В Ингушетии убиты организаторы нападения на родовое село Кадыровых Центорой[2] 2 августа Новое правительство Египта во… … Википедия

Испанская литература — ИСПАНСКАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА. До XII в. в Испании существовали две литературы: испано арабская, с рядом историков, ученых, философов и поэтов, и испано еврейская, с выдающимися классиками послебиблейской лит ры. И. л., т. е. литература, созданная и… … Литературная энциклопедия

Маршал — См. также Маршалл, маршалок и Служба маршалов США … Википедия

Португалия на Олимпийских играх — Код МОК: POR … Википедия

Американская оккупация Никарагуа — Банановые войны Войска С … Википедия

Гуанахуато (штат) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Гуанахуато. Гуанахуато исп. Guanajuato Герб … Википедия


Страны MENA

Страны MENA (акроним от анг. Middle East & North Africa, также можно встретить БВСА от рус. Ближний Восток и Северная Африка) — это географический регион, объединяющий страны Магриба и Ближнего Востока общей численностью населения 355 млн человек [1] . Большинство стран MENA также являются частью более крупного региона — Большой Ближний Восток. Термин «Страны MENA» принято использовать в академической, военной и политической литературе.

Часто страны MENA употребляются в СМИ в контексте волны протестов и демонстраций, также известных под названием Арабская весна, которые прошли в данном регионе в 2010—2011 гг [2] [3] [4] .

Перечень стран MENA

Какого-либо точного перечня стран, входящих в MENA, не существует. Всемирный Банк к таковым причисляет [5] :

  • Алжир Алжир
  • Бахрейн Бахрейн
  • Джибути Джибути
  • Египет Египет
  • Западный берег реки Иордан Западный берег реки Иордан
  • Израиль Израиль
  • Иордания Иордания
  • Иран Иран
  • Ирак Ирак
  • Катар Катар
  • Кувейт Кувейт
  • Ливан Ливан
  • Ливия Ливия
  • Мальта Мальта
  • Марокко Марокко
  • Оман Оман
  • Саудовская Аравия Саудовская Аравия
  • Сектор Газа Сектор Газа
  • Сирия Сирия
  • Тунис Тунис
  • Йемен Йемен


  1. ↑Ближний Восток и Северная Африка. Обзор региона (рус.) . Всемирный банк. Проверено 7 октября 2012.Архивировано 13 декабря 2012 года.
  2. ↑Дорогая недвижимость и безработица стали главной причиной Арабской весны. Обзор региона (рус.) . CIVETS. Проверено 7 октября 2012.Архивировано 13 декабря 2012 года.
  3. ↑Экономика Арабского мира: как прийти к независимости? (рус.) . Ислам в Российской Федерации. Проверено 7 октября 2012.Архивировано 13 декабря 2012 года.
  4. ↑Арабская весна — кошмарный сон для североафриканских и ближневосточных стран (рус.) . Tourism Review. Проверено 7 октября 2012.Архивировано 13 декабря 2012 года.
  5. ↑Countries (рус.) . Всемирный банк. Проверено 7 октября 2012.Архивировано 13 декабря 2012 года.

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MENA (Ближний Восток и Северная Африка)

Термин MENA, (Middle East and North Africa) — «Ближний Восток и Северная Африка«, является часто используемой аббревиатурой в научной и деловой переписки. Термин охватывает обширный регион, простирающийся от Марокко до Ирана, включая большинство стран Ближнего Востока и Магриба. Понятие примерно схоже с термином «Большой Ближний Восток» (куда также иногда принято включать Пакистан и/или Афганистан).

Население региона MENA по меньшей мере составляет около 381 млн человек, примерно 6% от общей численности населения мира. По максимальным оценкам население достигает примерно 531 млн. человек.
MENA не имеет стандартного определения.

Ниже приводится список стран, наиболее часто включаемых при упоминании этого термина.
Алжир, Бахрейн, Египет, Иран, Ирак, Израиль, Иордания, Йемен, Катар, Кувейт, Ливан, Ливия, Марокко , Объединенные Арабсие Эмираты, Оман, Палестинские территории, Саудовская Аравия, Сирия, Тунис.
Реже при упоминании MENA имеют ввиду еще и Армению, Азербайджан, Кипр, Мавританию, Мальту, Сомали, Судан, Турцию, Западную Сахару, Республику Джибути.

В регионе MENA находятся огромные запасы нефти и природного газа, которые делают его важным источником глобальной экономической стабильности. По данным журнала Oil and Gas (Нефть и Газ) от 1 января 2009 года, регион MENA располагает 60% мировых запасов нефти (810, 98 млрд. баррелей) и 45% запасов природного газа в мире (2868,886 триллионов кубических футов).
По состоянию на 2011 год, 8 из 12 стран ОПЕК относятся к региону MENA.


MENA Region Countries List 2020 Update

MENA is an acronym which refers to the Middle East and North Africa.

M – Middle

E – East

N – North

A – Africa

MENA Counties

The following countries are normally included in MENA: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Palestine, and Yemen. Sudan and Turkey are sometimes included in MENA.

MENA is usually grouped together by international, economic, and academic organizations. ­­The acronym, often considered interchangeable with the term “greater middle east” and in some cases the “Arab world”. It has different variations of included countries depending on the defining organization. In this article, we provide you with the complete list of MENA countries and accompanying data useful to those researching, investing, or traveling within the region. We start with an alphabetized list of those countries almost always included in the MENA region and outline which ones are only sometimes included and then move into more specialized data of the region, filtered by GDP, geographical sub-section, population, and language. Finally, we also discuss common variations of the acronym and the origins.

MENA Region Background

The Middle East was a Eurocentric term coined sometime during the 19 th century, referring to a trans-continental area between North Africa (Egypt) and South West Asia. Over time, its use has become commonplace among both Europeans and non-Europeans, however the ambiguity of what countries the geographical region actually includes remains an issue today. To this end, international organizations such as the World Bank and UNICEF have started using more specific terms such as MENA to refer to the region spanning horizontally from Morocco to Iran. The acronym is sometimes analogous to the term “Greater Middle East”, coined by the second Bush administration to refer to the area of the Middle East and also other Muslim majority countries such as Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan. However, while the term MENA is almost always inclusive of Iran, it is typically not inclusive of Turkey, Afghanistan, or Pakistan and is strictly geographically defined, rather than religiously or socially.

Alphabetized List of MENA countries (Most commonly used)

United Arab Emirates

Alphabetized List of all countries sometimes considered MENA (those only sometimes included marked by asterisk*)

United Arab Emirates

Population of MENA Countries

Below we include population statistics of MENA countries according to the 2019 UN World Population prospects, first alphabetized and then ranked by population.

Algeria 43,053,054
Bahrain 1,641,172
Egypt 100,388,073
Iran 82,913,906
Iraq 39,309,783
Israel 8,519,377
Jordan 10,101,694
Kuwait 4,207,083
Lebanon 6,855,713
Libya 6,777,452
Morocco 36,471,769
Oman 4,974,986
Qatar 2,832,067
Saudi Arabia 34,268,528
Palestine 4,981,420
Syria 17,070,135
Tunisia 11,694,719
United Arab Emirates 9,770,529
Yemen 29,161,922
Egypt 100,388,073
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 82,913,906
Algeria 43,053,054
Iraq 39,309,783
Morocco 36,471,769
Saudi Arabia 34,268,528
Yemen 29,161,922
Syrian Arab Republic 17,070,135
Tunisia 11,694,719
Jordan 10,101,694
United Arab Emirates 9,770,529
Israel 8,519,377
Lebanon 6,855,713
Libya 6,777,452
State of Palestine 4,981,420
Oman 4,974,986
Kuwait 4,207,083
Qatar 2,832,067
Bahrain 1,641,172

MENA Countries By GDP

The MENA region makes up about $3.3 trillion dollars in Gross Domestic Product every year, which surmounts to about 4.5% of the world’s GDP. Although only a small percentage of the world’s GDP, the region also has a relatively small population. The vast majority of people in the MENA region live in middle-income countries and despite the size, the area also lays claim to 60% of oil and 45% of natural gas reserves in the world, making the MENA region a global player in economic outlook. Below we break down nominal GDP for MENA countries (alphabetized and ranked by GDP) and then rank MENA countries by GDP per capita, which gives a good sense of more rich and more poor countries in the group.

2018 GDP (in millions of USD) (Alphabetized)

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Algeria 180,689
Bahrain 37,746
Egypt 250,895
Iran 454,013
Iraq 225,914
Israel 369,690
Jordan 42,291
Kuwait 141,678
Lebanon 56,639
Libya 48,320
Morocco 118,495
Oman 79,295
Qatar 192,009
Saudi Arabia 782,483
Palestine 14,498
Syria 77,460
Tunisia 39,861
United Arab Emirates 414,179
Yemen 31,268

2018 GDP (Ranked by GDP)

Saudi Arabia 782,483
Iran 454,013
United Arab Emirates 414,179
Israel 369,690
Egypt 250,895
Iraq 225,914
Qatar 192,009
Algeria 180,689
Kuwait 141,678
Morocco 118,495
Syrian 77,460
Oman 79,295
Lebanon 56,639
Jordan 42,291
Tunisia 39,861
Libya 48,320
Bahrain 37,746
Yemen 31,268
State of Palestine 14,498

MENA countries GDP per capital 2018

Qatar 69,688
Israel 42,823
United Arab Emirates 37,750
Kuwait 29,267
Bahrain 25,273
Saudi Arabia 22,865
Oman 16,418
Lebanon 8,269
Libya 7,235
Iran 5,627
Iraq 5,878
Algeria 4,278
Jordan 4,247
Tunisia 3,446
Morocco 3,237
Palestine 2,923
Egypt 2,549
Syria 2,032
Yemen 944

MENA Countries Broken Up By Continent

As the MENA acronym implies, the region spans across a single continent making it confusing sometimes when grouping them together. Below we categorize the MENA countries by the continent it belongs to, alphabetized within each.

African countries part of the MENA Region

Asia countries part of the MENA Region

United Arab Emirates

Languages in the MENA region

The final part of this comprehensive article on the MENA region is a list of official languages in each country. This is useful for research purposes and also knowing what language to conduct official business in each country. Every country except Iran has Arabic as at least one of its official languages! Some countries also have more than one official language, with the second language in parentheses. Below is a table, alphabetized by country.

Official Language (Alphabetized)

Algeria Arabic (with Berber)
Bahrain Arabic
Egypt Arabic
Iran Persian
Iraq Arabic (with Kurdish)
Israel Hebrew (with Arabic)
Jordan Arabic
Kuwait Arabic
Lebanon Arabic
Libya Arabic
Morocco Arabic (with Berber)
Oman Arabic
Qatar Arabic
Saudi Arabia Arabic
Palestine Arabic (Hebrew also in occupied territories)
Syria Arabic
Tunisia Arabic
United Arab Emirates Arabic
Yemen Arabic

MENA Countries and Capitals

Below is a table listing the capital of every country in the MENA region. Its important to note that not all capitals cities in the MENA region are largest city in their respective country. Abu Dhabi is an example of a capital city that is not the largest city in its home country. Dubai is the largest city in the Emirates but is not the capital of the UAE. Also, the State of Palestine and Israel technically both have the same capital city (Jerusalem).

Algeria Algiers
Bahrain Manama
Egypt Cairo
Iran Tehran
Iraq Baghdad
Israel Jerusalem
Jordan Amman
Kuwait Kuwait City
Lebanon Beirut
Libya Tripoli
Morocco Rabat
Oman Muscat
Qatar Doha
Saudi Arabia Riyadh
Palestine Jerusalem (declared), Ramallah (de-facto)
Syria Damascus
Tunisia Tunis
United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi
Yemen Sana’a


Below is a table listing the official state religion (officially endorsed by the state) of every country in the MENA region. Three countries in the MENA region (Lebanon, Palestine, and the Syrian Arab Republic) do not have a state established religion.

Algeria Islam (Sunni)
Bahrain Islam (Mixed Shia and Sunni)
Egypt Islam (Sunni)
Iran Islam (Shi?a)
Iraq Islam (Non-Denominational)
Israel Judaism (de-facto)
Jordan Islam (Sunni)
Kuwait Islam (Mixed Shia and Sunni)
Lebanon None*
Libya Islam (Sunni)
Morocco Islam (Sunni)
Oman Islam (Ibadi)
Qatar Islam (Sunni)
Saudi Arabia Islam (Sunni)
Palestine None
Syria None
Tunisia Islam (Non-Denominational)
United Arab Emirates Islam (Sunni)
Yemen Islam (Mixed Shia and Sunni)


Because of the wide span of the MENA region, it overlaps with other sub-regions used to group together countries in North Africa and South West Asia. Below we discuss the main 3 sub-regions (GCC, Levant, and North Africa) and mention which countries fall into each.

GCC stands for Gulf Corporation Council, now formally known as Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, and is a transnational political and economic union of Arab countries surrounding the Persian Gulf. With the exception of Iraq, all Arab states bordering the gulf make up the union, making the membership (alphabetically) Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Since its inception in 1981, the GCC’s membership has not changed and focuses on economic, scientific, and technological integration and cooperation across the region. Every one of the countries in the GCC is considered to be in the MENA region.

2020 GCC Update

The GCC is currently in a state of crisis due to tensions between Qatar and the other GCC states. Though there is too much complexity to this issue to cover in full detail here, what should be said is that there are fears that the GCC or at least the GCC in its historic form may change or go away all together.


The term the Levant has historical connotations tracing far back to the 13 th century, originally referring to countries east of the Mediterranean. Today, it almost always refers to (alphabetically) Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey and typically also includes (alphabetically) Egypt, Greece, Libya, and Turkey. Levant is usually considered close to the Arabic word Mashriq, translating to ‘the land where the sun rises’. As such, the term is often times synonymous with the terms ‘Near East, Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean’. The Levant does overlap with the MENA region, but Cyprus and Greece are a part of the Levant and are not a part of MENA region. Turkey is considered “sometimes included” in both the Levant and MENA regions.

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North Africa

North Africa refers strictly to the northernmost part of the continent Africa and includes (alphabetically) Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara, as defined by the United Nations. Since MENA refers to Middle East North Africa, all of these countries are sometimes included in the MENA region, however Sudan and Western Sahara are not always included because they are typically not considered Middle Eastern countries. Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia are always considered both a part of MENA region and the North Africa region. It is also worth noting that Egypt is considered transcontinental because it also stretches into Asia.

Doing Business in the MENA region

Business in the MENA region varies greatly by country, however there are commonalities especially among the majority Muslim countries. Below we list some a few brief tips to do business in the MENA region, but for a more detailed article on business in the Middle East and other country specifics, check our complete guide to doing business in the Middle East.

Hospitality and cultural sensitivity are key because each country in the MENA region has differing appropriate greetings, meeting styles, and dress codes. Before doing business in a country in the MENA region, it is worth doing some research on that specific state, city, and business sector because it varies greatly. Some commonalities among all of the countries are that 1) hospitality is very important to countries in the MENA region because establishing trust and friendship is usually considered synonymous with the business process, 2) Dress code is typically modest for both men and women meaning that pants are preferred over shorts and long sleeves are preferred over something that shows your arms, and 3) Religious consideration is very important, as many countries in the MENA region are Muslim majority or Islam is the official state religion, meaning required considerations with scheduled meetings and prayer times, Islamic holidays, and serving pork or alcohol, both of which are prohibited. These again may vary by country but are a good start to understanding unique business practices in the region. Remember that there are certainly more similarities between business in the MENA region and other regions in the world than differences!

Frequently Asked Questions:

To finalize our article on the MENA region, we include some frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us. Thanks for reading!

Is Turkey a part of MENA?

Turkey switches between being considered a part of the Middle East and Europe. Due to the fact that much of the MENA region was once ruled but the Ottoman Turkish empire there are strong ties between Turkey an the rest of the MENA region. Even today Turkey is an extremely popular destination for most Arabs, who travel there for holidays, real estate investing and its new medical tourism industry. That said Turkey has equally as strong ties with Europe and was the capital of the Eastern Roman empire at one point. Recently Turkey has pushed to enter the European Union. If it were to enter the European Union it would most likely be consider a European country there after. So in short, only sometimes is Turkey considered a part of MENA and by the most used definition, it is not.

Is Iran a part of MENA?

Iran is typically considered a part of the MENA region, but it does depend on the organization or government and how they define the group of countries. The MENA region is defined strictly geographically, which is why Iran is typically included, despite not being a part of the “Arab World” or other terms used to describe regional groupings based on culture or language.

Is Pakistan a part of MENA?

Pakistan is typically not included in the MENA region because it is usually defined as spanning horizontally from Morocco to Iran. However, there is no universally agreed upon definition of the region so it is possible that it would be included based on who you ask.

Is Afghanistan a part of MENA?

Afghanistan is typically not included in the MENA region because it is usually defined as spanning horizontally from Morocco to Iran. However, there isn’t a globally agreed upon definition of the MENA region so it is possible that Afghanistan would be included based on who you ask.

Jordan Boshers is the Chief Digital Strategist at IstiZada, a digital agency that helps companies market to Arabs. He has 8+ years experience running successful digital marketing campaigns in the Arab world. His insights into Arabic SEO helped him grow previously unknown websites to dominate Arabic niches on Google including growing one site from 0 to more than 1 million users monthly. Jordan has consulted for hundreds of companies including helping corporations like Amazon, Berlitz, and Exxon Mobil with their Arabic digital marketing. Learn more here or on LinkedIn.


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